
It’s been a busy month!

I confess a lot of it has just swept by without me noticing even what day of the week it is (all those late night baby feeds will do that to you), but there has been a bit of tarot-related activity during that time:

  • I took part in my second Trade Train on Aeclectic Tarot (a riotous, irreverent event where “players” put up lists of decks for trading). I traded away my Icelandic (in Icelandic), my Silicon Valley, and a spare copy of the Lasenic’s Tarot, in exchange for a Deviant Moon, Jane Austen, and Ancestral Path. Another ATer, Myrrha, also wound up gifting me (I paid the postage) a copy of The Secret Language of Birds tarot. All but the Ancestral Path have arrived in the post, and I’m well overdue to spend a couple of hours one afternoon (when bubs will let me!) to go through them all.
  • I also received a copy of the Mountain Dream tarot (third edition), by Bea Nettles. I had drooled over this sixties photographic deck (a Rider-Waite clone that manages to somehow also keep a bit of its own personality) for ages, but copies of the first edition command exorbitant prices, while the second edition was out of print. Luckily, a third edition has recently become available:

Mountain Dream 2

Mountain Dream 1

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Pregnancy developments

I’m still doing the daily Chagallian draw, however while I was having my cereal this morning I thought I’d do a 3-card draw of the Flornoy Noblet, my current favourite Marseille deck (and the one I’m using as I slowly work through J-M David’s Reading the Marseille Tarot). Just to stretch the mind a little, you see.

I shuffled the deck, just thinking about the day, and the rest of the week, and wondering what was in store. I drew:

IIII Wands – Ace Derniers – V Wands

Noblet 09.01.13

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